$ cat rocketry.txt

│ LAVIE OHANA - TRA 28294 - NAR 111817 - HPR L2 │


│ Thermal Runaway II - 24-X15                   │
│                                               │
│ Status: Concept / Development Stage           │
│ Overview: Sub-minimum diameter, 3D printed    │
│ rocket to exceed Mach 2.                      │
│ ETA: ? ? ?                                    │

│ Ascension - 24-002                            │
│                                               │
│ Status: In Build                              │
│ Overview: Level 3 certification project, 4"   │
│ fiberglass tube-fin rocket.                   │
│ ETA: End of 2024                              │
│                                               │
│ Blog Posts:                                   │
│ LOG-001: Requirements, Rocketry, and Rules    │
│ LOG-002: Paper Rockets                        │

│ (Not A) Pipe Bomb - 23-002                    │
│                                               │
│ Status: Flown, pending refurbishment          │
│ Overview: Level 2 certification project, 3"   │
│ fiberglass tube-fin rocket built at BALLS 31. │
│                                               │
│ Flight 1 - SUCCESS                            │
│ 09.22.23 - BALLS 31, Black Rock, NV           │
│ Motor: AT J450DM - Alt: 4372 ft - Vel: <M1    │
│                                               │
│ Flight 2 - SUCCESS                            │
│ 10.22.23 - HNS 2023, Mojave, CA               │
│ Motor: AT K1100T - Alt: 4800 ft - Vel: M1.06  │
│                                               │
│ Flight 3 - PARTIAL SUCCESS                    │
│ 09.20.24 - BALLS 32, Black Rock, NV           │
│ Motor: EXP K450 - Alt: 4987 ft - Vel: M0.77   │ 
│ Notes: Sparky experimental COPV motor by      │
│ Adrian G, debonded fins on impact             │


│ Flying COPV - 24-003                          │
│                                               │
│ Status: Retired                               │
│ Overview: Single use case-bonded COPV style   │
│ rocket. Motor and fins by Adrian G. and       │
│ avionics plus final integration and launch by │
│ Lavie O.                                      │
│                                               │
│ Flight 1 - Hamster? I Hardly Know' Er - FAIL  │
│ 09.22.24 - BALLS 32, Black Rock, NV           │
│ Motor: EX K450P - Alt: ????? ft - Vel: M2.5+  │
│                                               │
│ Notes: Nominal motor burn, recovered with     │
│ missing fin, recovery system, and nose tip.   │
│ Assumed failiure at burnout due to mechanical │
│ failure and detachment of the nose tip.       │

│ Quark SV0 - 23-001                            │
│                                               │
│ Status: Retired                               │
│ Overview: L2 attempt, liquid rocket airframe  │
│ pathfinder, 3D printed fin demonstrator       │
│                                               │
│ Flight 1 - Setting the Stage - PARTIAL FAILURE│
│ 05.20.23 - FAR, Mojave, CA                    │
│ Motor: AT J435WS - Alt: 8962 ft - Vel: M1.50  │
│                                               │
│ Notes: Nominal ascent, 3D printed fin can     │
│ successfully withstood supersonic forces.     │
│ Lost on recovery due to drogue charge failure │

│ Tritium 1 FT B2 - 1F-013                      │
│ TBD                                           │

│ Tritium 2.2A    - 22-A12                      │
│                                               │
│ Status: Retired                               │
│ Overview: High speed 3D printed testbed       │
│                                               │
│ Flight 1 - Thermal Runaway - FAILURE          │
│ 08.20.22 - FAR, Mojave, CA                    │
│ Motor: K2050ST - Alt: 8962 ft - Vel: M1.50    │
│                                               │
│ Notes: Aerostructural failure at Mach 1.5     │
│ aggravated by motor surge 70% through burn.   │
│ Root causes include insufficient strength due │
│ to weak PETG construction and hollow fins.    │

│ Tritium 1 FT B2 - 1F-011                      │
│ TBD                                           │

│ Tritium 1.4     - 14-008                      │
│ TBD                                           │

│ Tritium 1.3 B2A - 13-003                      │
│ TBD                                           │

│ Tritium 1 FT B1 - 1F-002                      │
│ TBD                                           │

│ Tritium 1.3     - 13-001                      │
│ TBD                                           │

│ Tritium 2.0     - 20-000                      │
│ TBD                                           │

│ Tritium 1.1     - 11-001                      │
│ TBD                                           │